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Think Digital Talks with Maria João Nogueira (SAPO)

09 Oct from 18:45 to 20:00

These days, it's not just brands that have to have a strategy for their online presence. Anyone has a brand, their own brand, and their online presence, whether on blogs or social networks, must be thought out and have an underlying strategy.

In October, Maria João Nogueira, head of services at SAPO, will be our guest to talk about "Digital Identity - Management and common sense".


PROGRAM - October 9, 19h00 (Auditorium 2)
18h45 - Check-in
19h00 - Presentation
19h45 - Q&A
20:00 - End of the event

About Think Digital Talks
The Think Digital Talks are an initiative within the scope of ISEG's Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Marketing in which experts in the field are invited to talk about a relevant topic. The event is free and open to the whole community.

To take part you need to register at: