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Wikimedia training Wikipedia

24 Jan from 11:00 to 15:00
Room 202 F2



In the framework of the European Horizon2020 Project PLOTINA - Promoting Gender Balance and Inclusion in Research, Innovation and Training (Portugal), will take place at ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (how to get there?), from the University of Lisbon, on January 24, 2020, from 11am to 3pm, a training session. hands on from WikipediaWikimedia. 

The session is mainly practical in nature to learn the basics of how to start editing on Wikipedia. No prior editing requirements are necessary. After the introduction to the basic knowledge and tools, it will be possible - still during the training - to try editing small articles, to make uploading images, etc. In the practical component of the training, there will be a focus on new articles within the international movement Women in Redwhich aims to increase women's participation and visibility on Wikimedia/Wikipedia.

Wikipedia/wikimédia has 1,000 million hits per month and about 6 million articles in English and 1 million in Portuguese. Want to amplify this movement?


How to participate?

Participation is free, subject to the first 15 registrations. 
To register, send your name plus affiliation, and motivation for your participation, to the address, indicating in subject: Wiki_"NAME" .


Registration includes lunch at the ISEG Restaurant. 


Ana Cravo
Environmental Engineer (IST), Postgraduate in Communication Sciences (FCSH-UNL) and Member of the Board of Wikimedia Portugal, NGO, which represents Wikipedia editors and enthusiasts in Portugal. Since 2019, she has organized training sessions in editing in some entities (ISCTE, ILGA, etc.) and other Wikimedia sessions (FE NOVA) and participated in international meetings of the Wikimedia world (Chile, Berlin, Spain). 

Jorge Pires Gomes
Graduated in Management (ISEG), Economist and Member of Wikimedia Portugal, NGO. He has organized training sessions in editing in some entities and participated in national and international meetings of the Wikimedia world (Israel ).