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Webinar | B2B Sales Performance: Management and Culture

09 Dec from 18:15 to 19:00

B2B business accounts for more than half of the global economy and is increasingly complex.

B2B sales and marketing cannot be treated as an art, but rather as a process. This process has the sole purpose of helping the customer in a business that is people to people and where trust is fundamental. To achieve this, companies must transform themselves, applying concrete management practices that focus on the creative use of data, but also creating a true B2B culture.

In the uncertain context of the pandemic, this transformation is imperative and digital is an essential tool.

It is in times of crisis that the best leaders emerge!

Lecturer: Rui Franco
General Manager of RENTELECOM (REN Group), with more than 20 years of experience in national and international companies in the area of information and communication technologies. Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from IST. Graduated from Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management, IESE and ESADE, where he attended Advanced Management, Leading Sales Teams and B2B Sales Management.

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