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Webinar | Redefining Customer Experience in Turbulent Times

29 Oct from 18:15 to 19:00


In times of pandemic, an entire population has been "forced" to use services and buy products they have never tried before. Some of these new experiences have been positive, others not so much.

Once the current crisis is over, it is important to know which of these new habits are here to stay and which behaviors and buying habits people will return to as soon as they can.

This is a crucial topic for all companies and organizations, as customer loyalty requires a deep and detailed knowledge of their expectations and needs. Should they change, it is absolutely critical that you know how to keep up with these changes in a timely manner.


Lecturer: Rui Santos
Chairman of the Board of AproCS - Association of Customer Service Professionals. Managing Director of InPar- In Partnership Business Consulting. Senior Advisor at IDC Portugal for the areas of Customer Omnichannel Experience. Degree in Systems and Computer Engineering from IST. Postgraduate degree in Marketing from ISCTE-IUL. Postgraduate in Management from INSEAD | Fontainebleau. Certified in Service Design Thinking by Koos. Coach certified by the World Coaching Organization and Level 1 by the European Coaching School.

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