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Webinar | The role of the European Recovery Fund and resilience in Portugal's future

25 Feb from 17:00 to 18:00

On the February 25th, at 17.00, take part in the webinar "The role of the European Recovery Fund and resilience in Portugal's future", with guests António Costa Silva, João Duque and Rui Leão Martinho.

This session is part of a Cycle of Webinars organized by Alumni Económicas, started in December 2020, with the aim of addressing topics of relevance in the current economic framework.

We therefore invite you to join us in this important Zoom debate on the role of the European Bazooka in building a more competitive, resilient and sustainable country.

ISEG's webinar on is open to all. Join us and share with your friends. 

>> Registration here


Opening | Horácio Negrão, President of the Economic Alumni Board
Keynote Speaker | António Costa Silva, Coordinator of the Strategic Vision for Portugal's Economic Recovery Plan 2020-2030

Round Table
Henrique Monteiro, Journalist (moderator)
João Duque, Full Professor ISEG-ULisboa
Rui Leão Martinho, President of the Order of Economists

Closure | Clara Raposo, President of ISEG