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WORKSHOP | E-invoicing and the impact of the new paradigm on Organizations and the Tax Machine

14 March from 09:30 to 09:31
Quelhas 6 | CGD Auditorium

Next on March 14, at 9:30 a.m., in ISEG's CGD auditoriumThe event, held in Lisbon, will take stock of the implementation of the new invoicing system and the e-Factura portal and identify its impact on organizations and the tax system.

The Workshop "e_factura: impact of the new paradigm on organizations and the tax machine" is organized by the Centre of Excellence in the Dematerialization of Transactions - CEDT, with the institutional support of the Tax and Customs Authority and the TICE Competitiveness and Technology Hub (TICE.PT).

Centro Empresarial de Braga, Edif. Z, 3º Dtº, Ferreiros, 4705-319 Braga, Portugal
Tel/Fax: +351 253 286 500
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