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Workshop | Participatory Dialogue and Action: Hosting Meaningful Conversations to Generate Impact

01 Jun from 10:00 to 16:30
Terrace (Ed. Novo Quelhas)

Venue: ISEG, Terrace, Edificio Novo Quelhas
Date: June 1, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Art-of-Hosting methodology serves to harness the power of hosting meaningful conversations to generate positive impact.

With this workshop, we are providing a space to showcase and inspire the practice of the art of participatory leadership, through the Art of Hosting approach (

10:00 - Welcome and Check-in
10:30 - About the Art of Hosting Community
10:45 - Philosophy and Practice
13:00 - Lunch break*
14:00 - Hosting other collaborative communities of practice.
16:30 - Check-out

As a real context for making the community's philosophy and practices known, we intend to explore conversations about human connection and collaboration.
If you're curious to know what the impact of this exploration could be on the ability to create more synergies within teams, communities or organizations, join us.




*If it makes sense, join us for a convivial lunch. Bring food and drink to share, and the necessary utensils.

Further info

Poster (pdf)