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WORKSHOP | Storytelling Through Infographics

18 Jun / 19 Jun from 10:00 to 17:00
Quelhas 6 | Floor 3 | Room Delta

Storytelling Through Infographics

Data Visualization Workshop for Journalists, Designers and Marketers,

Christian Tate/Rob Orchard (UK),

ISEG, Lisbon, June 18 and 19, 10.00 -17.00, room Delta

2nd and 3rd edition



ISEG joins CADA to promote innovative training in Portugal on Data Visualization. The Workshop is led by Christian Tate, Art Director of the magazine Delayed Gratification and Rob Orchard, Editorial Director of the same magazine, who usually train on these topics in The Guardian's courses - Guardian Masterclasses.


The workshop incorporates a mixture of presentations and seminars with plenty of practical exercises, shortcuts and templates to make researching and creating infographics as effective and enjoyable as possible. During the day, there will be opportunities to discuss individual projects with the tutors, and 'how-to' guides will be distributed so that participants can continue their learning after the workshop.


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