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Workshop | Students Can Succeed in Maths!

11 Jul from 12:00 to 13:30
Auditorium 4 (New Quelhas Building)

Improving mathematics education should be a concern for all of us, especially members of faculty and academics. To achieve success in later in life, we must prepare students from an early age. A more organized and more demanding mathematics education is needed at all levels. This should be our concern. How can our schools prepare students better ? How can we, at the university level, help to bridge gaps and pursue demanding goals?

This workshop brings together three experts in mathematics, psychology, and education, all of whom are very critical of educational leniency: Michel Fayol (Université Clermont Auvergne, France), Marie Bocquillon (Mons University, Belgium) and Christophe Baco (Mons University, Belgium). We will also be counting with the participation of Professor Filipe Oliveira (ISEG), who will moderate the session.

To be held on the the 11th July,at 12.00, in Auditorium 4 (New Quelhas Building).

Free admission.

Poster (pdf)