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XVIII Jutra Meeting - 50 /20 years

26 Apr from 09:00 to 18:30
ISEG, CGD Auditorium (Quelhas)

ISEG is hosting the XVIII JUTRA MEETING - 50/20 years, which this year is on the topic of 'Slave Labor Law', as part of the of the 25 de Abril 50th anniversary celebrations.

The meeting will take place on the 26th April and will be attended by the Dean of ISEG, Professor João Duqueat the solemn opening session; Professor Sara Falcão Casaca, Chair of SOCIUS, at the opening conference; and Professor Antonio Garcia Pereira (SOCIUS/ISEG), a retired ISEG professor and Vice-Chair of the Portuguese Delegation of JUTRA, on the 1st panel.

This meeting is being organised by JUTRA - Associação Luso-Brasileira de Juristas do Trabalho, Ordem dos Advogados - Conselho Regional de Coimbra and CRL - Conselho Regional de Lisboa da Ordem dos Advogados.

The event will take place from 09.00 to 18.30 in the CGD Auditorium at ISEG (Quelhas Building, 2nd Floor).

Programme and registration available HERE.