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FIELD TRIP | ISEG takes Post-Graduate students in Financial Analysis to New York

On October 4, a group of ISEG students and professors flew to New York City to experience Wall Street and visit the highly reputable Columbia University and Stern School of Business at New York University.
We visited the New York Stock Exchange, including a visit to the trading floor and direct contact with the designated market makers. A unique experience.
The group also visited the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, seeing a brief presentation of the bank's objectives and policies, and taking a tour of the famous gold vault - we were next to the largest gold reserve in the world (gold from many, many, countries is stored there).
To complete our visit to the Financial District we went to Citibank's headquarters, where we had the opportunity to attend a presentation on the group's strategy, followed by a visit to the trading floors, where FX and Bond traders spent some time with us.
There was also time to wander around the area and we didn't miss landmarks such as the Charging Bull and the World Trade Center.
The ISEG group also went to Columbia University where they participated in a session on the "Portuguese crisis". We ended our sunny Friday October 5th with an invigorating tour of Columbia.
Our last stop was the Stern School of Business at New York University on the noteworthy Columbus Day. We attended an interesting presentation on a variety of topics, including the current crisis and alternatives for solving it. Afterwards, we had the opportunity to stroll around the campus in charming Greenwich Village.
The trip was a memorable one for all participants. The group learned a lot and also had a lot of fun during the weekend - there was plenty of free time for sightseeing, entertainment and culture. See us in the photo and video reportage!

We would like to thank the following people who collaborated with us to make this event possible: Domitília dos Santos (The dos Santos Group, Morgan Stainley Smith Barney), Luís Laginha de Sousa and Isabel Ucha (Euronext Lisbon), Patrícia Agurto (NYSE), João Santos (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Luís Guerreiro (Citi), Ricardo Reis and Miguel Morin (Columbia University), and Luís Cabral (NYU).