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Seminários e Conferências

SEMINÁRIO ISEG 2S | Network externalities and imperfect competition

23 Mai 2014 14:00
Quelhas 6 | Piso 3 | Room Delta


» Click here to visit the ISEG 2S webpage and view the complete programme for the Seminar Series.

Rabah Amir – University of Iowa

Network externalities and imperfect competition


Organizing Team
This seminars series is organized by Joana Pais (ECO), Raquel M. Gaspar (FIN/MG) and Isabel Proença (QM).

Meeting the Speaker
All speakers are available to meet faculty at ISEG before the talk. Slots are limited. To book your time with the speaker, contact one of the coordination team members.

Mailing list
To join the ISEG 2S Seminar Mailing List and receive regular information contact Filomena Ferreira.

If you come to the seminars at ISEG by car, please contact Filomena Ferreira to assure your entrance into the park.