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26 Mar 2019 from 18:30 to 19:30
Auditório 2 (Ed. Quelhas)

Olivier Woeffray, Strategic Intelligence at the World Economic Forum

Mapping Global Transformations is the World Economic Forum's effort to explore and make sense of the complex forces driving transformational change across economies, industries, global issues.

Aimed at supporting more informed decision-making by leaders, Transformation Maps are a dynamic knowledge tool that incorporates expert and machine-curated knowledge allowing users to visualize and understand 120+ topics and the interconnections and interdependencies between them.

Most of the Transformation Maps have been co-curated with experts from universities, think tanks, international organizations and other research institutions. Each of the maps has a feed with the latest research and analysis drawn from leading research institutions and specialized media outlets around the world.

This is the first FUTURE TALK integrated in the executive programme  "Futures, Strategic Design nd Innovation" (ISEG Executive Education). 

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