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EDP Richard Branson Innovation Award

EDP - Innovation Award - Richard BransonEDP, Visão and Exame launch, with Richard Branson, an innovation award to encourage entrepreneurship in the environmental field. The EDP Richard Branson Innovation Award assumes the mission of implementing an environmental vision of the business world, challenging students to develop projects in this area. As a more concrete objective, this initiative aims to be an incentive to innovation and entrepreneurship in the area of "Clean Tech".

Projects should be innovative and focused on Energy and the following segments:
- Clean forms of energy management;
- Energy efficiency;
- Smart grids;
- Energy storage and distribution;
- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

Days March 5th and 6th ISEG will host the Award Roadshow. Stay tuned!

A submission of applications must be carried out by day April 3, All individuals residing in Portugal, aged between 18 and 35, made until December 31, 2009, can apply for the EDP Richard Branson Innovation Award.

The EDP Richard Branson Prize consists of €50,000, deposited in a bank account, exclusively for the establishment of a company to implement the winning project.

For more information about the prize, please use the email contact:

See here the regulation and the application form.