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Article by ISEG Professors and Researchers from SOCIUS and CEMAPRE published in the European Education Research Journal

Article authorsThe article "Interruptions and Failure in Higher Education: evidence from ISEG-UTL" was accepted for publication in the European Education Research Journal (2011, 9.4/10.1). It is an article authored by Margarida Chagas Lopes and Graça Leão Fernandes, Assistant Professors at ISEG and Researchers at SOCIUS and CEMPAPRE, respectively.

Reviewing the main theoretical and methodological contributions to the processes of interruption, dropout and retention in Higher Education, the authors propose and develop a longitudinal and dynamic approach to these processes, with a view to an integrated consideration of the multiple determinants. Taking as empirical support for their statistical analysis information made available by the Academic Services to the Pedagogical Observatory of ISEG, they note the influence exerted jointly by the educational level of the students' fathers and mothers, by the successes and failures in their previous school career, by the students' situation in relation to work and employment and, also, by the model of organization of education and the possibility it offers to combine it with employment.