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Concert by the Air Force Music Band - October 11, at 16h00, Central Square between the buildings of Francesinhas 1 and Francesinhas 2.

As part of ISEG's cultural development plan and in the context of the celebrations of the Centenary of the Republic and of our School, a concert by the Air Force Music Band will be held on Monday, October 11, between 4pm and 5pm, in a central area of our School, between the Francesinhas 1 and Francesinhas 2 buildings.

We invite everyone, teachers, students and staff, to come and watch this event.

The exceptional nature of this event, which we want to minimize the disruption to teaching activities taking place at the school during this period, is justified by the exceptional nature of our desire to honor the 100th anniversary of our school in association with the centenary of the establishment of the Republic, in the noblest way possible, by adding to this initiative the excellent contribution of one of the most prestigious Portuguese music bands, which kindly accepted our invitation to brighten up our celebrations.

For more information see ISEG CULTURAL AGENDA

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