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Applications for Outgoing Student Mobility - 2011/2012 Academic Year - 1st Cycle

ERASMUS and other mobility programs - 2011/2012 school year: 1st Cycle

Grab this opportunity! Go, discover, value yourself...

Applications for Student Mobility for the 2011/2012 academic year will take place via the ISEG Portal - "AQUILA", from March 16 to 21, 2011.

Students can apply from any computer with an internet connection. No applications or requests to change applications will be accepted after the above deadline.

Applications can be made on the AQUILA portal via the following route:
HERE → STUDENT PORTAL → REGISTER → MOBILITY (available by the deadline set above)

An INFORMATION SESSION will be held on MARCH 15 at 9.30 a.m. in Auditorium 2 (Quelhas Building).

It is essential that the students are present so that they are properly informed about the whole mobility process.

Online information at " Erasmus Outgoing

Further information:

Erasmus information session March 2011 Poster