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Article by ISEG teachers and researchers accepted for publication in ISI international journal - Journal of Business Economics and Management

The article entitled "Human capital and social capital in entrepreneurs and managers of small and medium enterprises", by ISEG lecturers and researchers Augusto Felício, Eduardo Couto and Jorge Caiado, has been accepted for publication in the ISI international journal "Journal of Business Economics and Management".

This study explores the interconnection and interdependence between human factors and social factors and analyzes the relationships influenced by the activity carried out. Through a statistical approach based on the application of factorial analysis techniques, based on a sample of SMEs from four sectors of activity, it was found that there are groups of interconnected and interdependent human capital and social capital factors, although a significant part of the literature differentiates them conceptually and treats them independently. It was also found that this relationship is influenced by the type of activity.

Photo Jorge CaiadoJorge Caiado (PhD) is a researcher at the Center for Mathematics Applied to Economic Forecasting and Decision (CEMAPRE/ISEG).



Photo Eduardo CoutoEduardo Couto (PhD) is an assistant professor at ISEG and a researcher at ADVANCE




José Augusto Felício (PhD) is an assistant professor at ISEG and an ADVANCE researcher.