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Applications are now open for IDEFE/ISEG Postgraduate Courses which will start in January, February and April 2013.

These courses are designed for executives who want to acquire new skills in management. The IDEFE/ISEG Postgraduate Courses are validated by the EFMD, ensuring the highest standards of quality and scientific rigor:

>Marketing Management
Start: January 2013
Hours: 285
Tuition fees: 4500€

Some of these courses, in post-working hours, give equivalence to Curricular Units of ISEG Masters in the areas of Management and Marketing.
Other IDEFE Postgraduate Courses starting between January and April 2013:

>Accounting and Taxation
April 2013 | 180 hours | €3000

>Management Control and Corporate Finance
January 2013 | 180 hours | €3000

>Pharmaceutical Marketing Management
January 2013 | 230 hours | €4000

>Project Management
*Registered Education Provider by PMI
February 2013 | 270 hours | €4000

>Business Management
January 2013 | 240 hours | €5000