The new Incentive Contest for Individual Scientific Employment - 6th Edition funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology is now open for applications.
A clarification session will be held at ISEG on the 12th April (Wednesday), at 14.00 (Auditorium 2, Quelhas, free admission).
Contest Documents:
- CEECInd 6th Edition - Application Guide
- CEECInd 6th Edition - Evaluation Guide
- CEECInd 6th Edition - Ethics Guide
- CIENCE VITAE support guide
- Notice of Opening
- Scientific Employment Rules and Regulations
Applications are welcome from any Portuguese, foreign, or stateless PhD holder in any scientific area, who wishes to carry out scientific research or technological development in Portugal.
Applicants should not be legally employed (with either a permament or fixed-term contract) by any entity that belongs to Portugal's Science and Technology System whose object or content includes scientific research activities, as stipulated in Article 14 of Decree-Law No. 63/2019, of the 16th May.
The applicant must indicate which level/category of PhD researcher they wish to apply for, within the three levels contemplated in the competition:
- Junior Researcher – those who completed their PhD up to five years ago, counting from the closing date of the contest application period and who have with limited post-doctoral research experience in the scientific area applied for.
- Auxiliary Researcher - those who completed their PhD five to up to 12 years ago counting from the closing date of the contest application period and who possess a relevant curriculum in the scientific area applied for.
- Principal Researcher - those who completed their PhD more than 12 years ago counting from the closing date of the contest application period, who have a relevant curriculum in the scientific area applied for and who can demonstrate a certain level of scientific independence during the last three years.
The contest application period closes at 17.00 (Lisbon time) on the 3rd May, 2023.
Applications must be submitted online, by filling out a form in English, which can be accessed electronically at myFCT.
Interested researchers may also contact ISEG Research ( should they require support in applying for in the contest.