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Universidade de Lisboa

ULisboa | 'Thinking in Two Times' Debate Cycle

Universidade de Lisboa is organising the first session of the 'Two-timing' Debate Cycle, entitled 'Cities and Creativity". The event will be held in the Rectorate's 'Aula Magna' Great Hall, on the 29th May, at 18.30.

The objective of the Rectorate is that this debate cycle will in effect subject two words to either dialogue or direct collision, reflecting the struggles and the bridges and the frictions and utopias that exist between two words which each represent a distinct area of thought.

The debates will be interdisciplinary and will be on contemporary issues, and are designed for the general public as a whole.

Each debate will be moderated by Gonçalo M. Tavares, and one or more guests participants have been invited to attend each debate. This will be a quiet in-house occasion, with each debate starting with a brief presentation of the topic in question by the guest participant, followed by a debate where the objective is reflection, rather than coming to a conclusion. Come and join us put reflection in to motion.

The first debates in this cycle are on the topics of 'Cities and Creativity', 'Science and Art', and 'Tradition and Contemporaneity'. The first guest participant will be Luís Baptista (an architect).

Further information