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PhD inEconomic and Organisational Sociology

The PhD in Economic and Organisational Sociology, launched in 1991, aims to generate knowledge and produce research in this specific field of study.

The PhD in Economic and Organisational Sociology is a 3rd Cycle degree, created in 1991 and hosted by SOCIUS-Centre for Research in Economic and Organisational Sociology, a research unit integrated into the CSG-Centre for Research in Social Sciences and Management consortium, which obtained the classification of "Very Good" in the last evaluation of the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (2019).

Research topics

Doctoral students will be able to carry out their research in the fields of economic sociology, organizational studies, sustainable development, science and technology studies, social finance studies, classical sociological theory, cultural economics, migration studies, gender studies, theory of value, among others. These domains include a variety of objects of study, such as public policies, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, formal and informal markets, environmental sustainability, alternative economies and culture “do-it-yourself”, copyright, cultural industries, money and payment systems, professions and work or third sector organizations. Different methodological approaches are contemplated, from statistical analysis (descriptive and inferential), through experimental studies, participatory methodologies, ethnography and network analysis.


This Program is aimed at anyone wishing to obtain a doctoral degree and perform highly qualified functions in the public sector, in the private sector and in the social economy sector, in the national or international context. Such functions include teaching and research, direction and management of organizations, consultancy, training, journalism, planning, elaboration of development projects, as well as design and evaluation of public policies, projects or programs.

Research Centers:

The PhD is mainly taught in Portuguese, however in addition to being able to write essays and being provided with pedagogical material in English, the PhD thesis may also be submitted in the same language.

3 years
after work
Portuguese and English*
Initial Vacancies


These are some of the issues discussed in the curricular units and around which research has been consolidated.

What are the effects of a rapidly changing global economy? How do organizations evolve and adapt?

What is the role of science in the Anthropocene era?

What is the role of states, markets, institutions, organizations and individuals in the constitution of economic and financial practices?

What explanatory factors can be found, historically or currently, among economics, politics, culture, technology or the environment?

How are citizens involved in decision-making processes that concern their economic and financial daily life?

What balance or imbalance exists between employment and the other dimensions of human life in the 21st century?

Funding Opportunities

PhD Scholarships

Candidates for the school's doctorates can apply for various grants, namely FCT grants (awarded by FCT or ISEG research centers) and, in some cases, ULisboa grants. The criteria, rules and regulations for applying for scholarships are detailed on our website.

Research Centres

In some cases, PhD students can enroll in projects hosted by research centers or be supported by them. For more information, contact the doctoral coordinator.

If you would like to know more about this program, please contact us:

My PhD in Economic and Organizational Sociology at ISEG was a transformative journey in my personal and professional life. Since I combined the PhD project with my professional life, which included a management position in a media agency and also part-time teaching, the closeness and availability of the teachers was a critical aspect for motivation and for completing each stage. In particular, I would like to highlight the closeness and atmosphere of trust with my supervisor, Professor Maria João Santos. A PhD is, to a large extent, a personal challenge that both stimulates and tests us in terms of our intellectual capacity and our ability to produce quality work. I chose to work in a scientific area, sociology, which complemented the skills I had previously developed in marketing. I worked on a line of research that bridges the two areas and which, as well as being relevant in academic terms, has the potential to have an impact on society. I know that, during this life project, I grew as a researcher, as a marketing and communications professional and as a person. I challenged myself and lived up to it. I recommend this experience to anyone who wants to challenge themselves intellectually and who wants to contribute in some way to the development of scientific knowledge and its application to society.
Frederico Caetano

Details of the degree

The Program intends to transmit and produce knowledge from research in the domains between economy, finance and organizations of contemporary society. It proposes looking at markets and organizations as variable, complex and sometimes contradictory realities, challenging doctoral students to new readings of neoclassical economics and questioning the limitations of focusing on the rationality of “homo economicus”. 

Operating System

Applicants must submit a brief research proposal when applying. After admission to the program, a tutor will be assigned to monitor the thesis project during the first year of the program, which will be presented and discussed at the Research Seminars.

At the end of the 1st year, a consolidated version of the project will be assessed by a jury made up of representatives from ISEG and other institutions, who may suggest changes or recommend that the doctoral student's studies be interrupted. If the thesis project is accepted, it is registered and the supervisor's name is confirmed.

The process of preparing, researching and writing the thesis takes two academic years, in accordance with ISEG's General Regulations for Study Cycles leading to the Degree of Doctor.

Professional Opportunities

This program is aimed at all those who wish to obtain a doctoral degree and perform highly qualified functions in the public sector, the private sector and the social economy sector, in a national or international context. Such roles include teaching and research, directing and managing organizations, consultancy, training, journalism, planning, drawing up development projects, as well as designing and evaluating public policies, projects or programmes.


Year 1 - Semester 1ProfessorCredits
Economic SociologyRafael Marques, Joao Carlos Graça7.5
Organizations and WorkMaria Joao Santos, Daniel Seabra Lopes7.5
Research Methods and TechniquesAmílcar Moreira, Sandra Faustino7.5
Research Seminar ISara Falcão Casaca and Marta Varanda7.5
Year 1 - Semester 2ProfessorCredits
Themes and Debates in Economic, Organizational and Labour SociologySofia Bento7.5
Optional 17.5
Optional 27.5
Research Seminar IIMarta Varanda and Sara Falcão Casaca7.5
year 2 Professor Credits
Thesis/Research Seminar IIIMarta Balcony60
Year 3 Professor Credits
Research thesis/Seminar IVMarta Balcony60

See the description of each Curricular Unit here.

3 years
after work
Portuguese and English*
Initial Vacancies

Admissions and Fees

Admission and selection criteria

Candidates must hold a Master's degree in the scientific areas of Sociology, Economics, Management or other social sciences deemed appropriate by the Scientific Committee. Holders of a degree in one of the aforementioned scientific areas with a minimum classification of 16 out of 20 or, exceptionally, with a lower classification, may also apply, provided that the respective curriculum reveals scientific preparation or relevant professional experience. Other candidates who demonstrate the ability to monitor the program may also apply.

The selection is made by the Scientific Committee based on the following criteria:

  • Master and respective final classification;
  • Degree and respective final classification;
  • Relevant scientific and professional curriculum;

tuition fees

Provisional tuition fees for 2025/26, pending confirmation by the University of Lisbon's statutory bodies.

students fromFor Year 1For the following years
Students from the European Union€ 3,000€ 2,000
Students outside the European Union€ 4,000€ 3,000

The PhD program lasts three years.

3 years
after work
Portuguese and English*
Initial Vacancies
World Ranked Triple Accredited:
Other Accreditations, Partnerships & Memberships: