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Unlimited Action

28 March from 10:00 to 17:00
To be confirmed

You're at a loss to decide your first job? Do you want to have more power to decide the company that best fits you? On Unlimited ACTION it's up to you! This is a "The Voice Business where you are the jury of the pitchs of the companies.

Get ready for a career development program where you will have the opportunity to develop personal knowledge, networking and turn (or not) the chair to the value proposition of the companies.

We want to help you get to know these organizations "blindly", because only then will you be sure that you have made the best decision and according to your priorities and not based on the opinion of others. Come clarify what you value most in the professional environment!

For Whom?

For all final-year and Master's students in the areas of Management and Engineering in the country!

Each Issue takes place from the 10am to 5pm, on the March 28th.

More information and registration coming soon.