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Prerequisite Course Unit Requirements

Degree in Economics

Course unit PrecedentPrevious Curricular Unit
Economics IMicroeconomics I
Economics IMicroeconomics II
Economics IIMacroeconomics I
Economics IIMacroeconomics II
Calculation and Financial InstrumentsProject Evaluation
General Accounting IFinancial Management
Mathematics IMathematics II
Mathematics IIStatistics I
Statistics IStatistics II
Statistics IIEconometrics

Management degree

Course unit PrecedentPrevious Curricular Unit
Financial Accounting IFinancial Accounting II
Financial Accounting IManagement Accounting
Financial Accounting IFinancial Management I
Financial Management IFinancial Management II
Calculation and Financial InstrumentsFinancial Management II
Mathematics IMathematics II
Mathematics IIStatistics I
Mathematics IIOperations Research
Statistics IStatistics II

MAEG degree

Course unit PrecedentPrevious Curricular Unit
Mathematical Analysis IMathematical Analysis III
Mathematical Analysis IProbability
Mathematical Analysis IIComplex Analysis and Differential Equations
General Accounting IAnalytical Accounting
Economics IMicroeconomics I
Economics IMicroeconomics II
Economics IIMacroeconomics I
StatisticsEconometrics II
ProbabilityEconometrics I
ProbabilityEconometrics II
ProbabilityStochastic Processes and Applications

Degree in Finance

Course unit PrecedentPrevious Curricular Unit
Quantitative FinanceAdvanced Corporate Finance
Corporate FinanceAdvanced Corporate Finance
Financial Accounting IFinancial Accounting II
Financial Accounting IManagement Accounting
Financial Accounting ICorporate Finance
Mathematics IMathematics II
Mathematics IIStatistics I
Statistics IStatistics II
Statistics IIEconometrics

Degree in Economics

Course unit PrecedentPrevious Curricular Unit
Economics IMicroeconomics I
Economics IMicroeconomics II
Economics IIMacroeconomics I
Economics IIMacroeconomics I
Quantitative FinanceProject Appraisal
Accounting ICorporate Finance
Mathematics IMathematics II
Mathematics IIStatistics I
Statistics IStatistics II
Statistics IIEconometrics

Management Degree

Course unit PrecedentPrevious Curricular Unit
Financial Accounting IFinancial Accounting II
Financial Accounting IManagement Accounting
Financial Accounting ICorporate Finance I
Corporate Finance ICorporate Finance II
Mathematics IMathematics II
Mathematics IIStatistics I
Mathematics IIOperational Research
Statistics IStatistics II


  1. At the beginning of each academic year, only students who have obtained at least 30 ECTS credits in 1st year curricular units may enroll in 2nd and 3rd year curricular units. Students may not switch from the 1st year to the 2nd year at the beginning of the 2nd semester of each academic year.
  2. The preceding or preceded curricular units will tend to run in consecutive semesters. The Scientific Council will decide on these curricular units each year.
  3. The number of curricular units that each student can enroll in each academic year corresponds to a maximum of 72 ECTS credits.
  4. Students who lack a maximum of 24 ECTS credits to complete their degree can enroll in the respective curricular units without regard to the precedence regime.
  5. Students who lack a maximum of 24 ECTS credits to complete their degree can enroll in the special September term in the respective curricular units, without taking into account the precedence regime and even if they are not enrolled in those curricular units in the respective academic year.