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MFW registration

Enrollment in the Master Final Work (MFW) is done by the student themselves, in the Fenix system.

In order for registration to be considered valid for the school year in question, it must be completed by the deadline stipulated for this purpose (see important deadlines).

Types of MFW

The final master's work can be carried out in one of the following three types of formats and in accordance with the provisions of the syllabus for each master's course:

  • Dissertation (available for all master's degrees)
  • Project Work (only available for some master's degrees)
  • Internship Report (only available for some master's degrees)

Internship at MFW

What is the procedure for doing an internship under the MFW: *

  • Register for MFW in Fenix within the defined deadlines (see important deadlines).
  • Search for a company to do the internship with, and ask for help from the respective master's coordinator.
  • The internship plan is sent to the academic services (, accompanied by the internship application (here).

What information an internship plan should contain:

  • Location of the internship, number of hours, start and end date, name of the supervisor in the company, definition of the internship plan (structure of the plan).
  • The documents are delivered/sent to the Master's Office, which will forward the documentation for the opinion of the Master's coordinator.
  • In the event of acceptance, the Career Services a protocol between ISEG and the company.
  • You can also consult the  website Career Services where you can find more information.

*If you want to do your internship outside Portugal, the MFW internship procedure abroad is exactly the same as the MFW internship procedure in Portugal.

Note: This information does not exempt you from consulting the ISEG master's degree regulations.