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Coronavirus Information


Messages from the School to the Students:

APCER awarded COVID-SAFE certification to ISEG after an inspection process at ISEG's facilities to verify the effective implementation of safety and health procedures and practices, based on the guidelines of the Directorate-General of Health (DGS), the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The certification covers the entire ISEG Campus.


Following the recommendation and clarification given by the MCTES to scientific and higher education institutions, on April 17th, the ISEG prepared a plan for the progressive lifting of containment measures motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic, see here.

Go to here to the EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES FOR THE CONTAINMENT AND MITIGATION OF THE CORONAVIRUS decided in the Council of Ministers on March 12, 2020.

ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão has prepared a Prevention and Action Plan that succinctly describes and aims to prevent and control the infection of cases of the COVID-19 Coronavirus at our School and establishes the procedures to be followed by all institutional players in the event of one or more situations of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

The directions expressed are valid for visitors, students, employees, and faculty members, and must be respected and followed by everyone.

Access the Contingency Plan here.

We have maintained regular communication with our students, updating information whenever relevant. We have to follow the rules that the health authorities recommend, stay calm and carry on with our activity as normally as possible, see here the communications sent to the students.

Any member of the community or visitor to ISEG with signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and an epidemiological link should inform the Contingency Plan team by email to or by phone 925 664 827.

You can also access the University of Lisbon's website which gathers all the information about the measures that are being taken at ULisboa, its schools and services, regarding this issue.

See the information sent by the Directorate-General of Health here.

Consult the Covid-19 Guide prepared by the World Doctors Association here.



If I am quarantined, how should I proceed in relation to ISEG?
A: In the case of ISEG, community members and visitors who are quarantined because they present the symptoms that make them suspect cases, should communicate this fact by email to the Administrator's Office (

If I identify symptoms at ISEG how should I proceed?
A: Any member of the community or visitor to ISEG with signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and an epidemiological link, or who identifies a member of the Academic Community with criteria compatible with the definition of a suspected case, should inform the Contingency Plan team, by phone (925 664 827). Subsequently, the procedures foreseen in the contingency plan will be followed.

The Contingency Plan Team for ISEG is made up of the following employees, who, in case of need, should be contacted at 925 664 827o João Calado (Coordinator) - ISEG Administrator - Ext: 462779 o Lurdes Paiva - Human Resources Division - Ext: 465837 o Sonia Domingues - Academic Services Division - Ext: 465862