As part of the celebrations for ISEG's 110th anniversary, the Solemn Session for the 2020-21 academic year will be held at ISEG on May 24th, and the event will be broadcast online from Pátio das Francesinhas.
This event will be broadcasted online on ISEG's Youtube channel: in Portuguese here and English here.
Musical Moment - Air Force Band
Message from His Excellency the President of the Republic
Speech by the President of ISEG - Professor Clara Raposo
Dean's List" Merit Award to Undergraduate Finalists
Knowledge Lecture - by Professor Sara Falcão Casaca
Sponsor Awards
Bolsa Otelinda da Silveira, CGD, EY, Associação Mutualista Montepio, Jornal Económico, Rómulo Ismael Rodrigues, IAPMEI, Banco Finantia, Wiilis Towers Watson, KPMG - Fundação Económicas, AEISEG
Speech by the President of AEISEG - Dr. Gonçalo Lopes
Speech by the President of Alumni Económicas - Dr. Horácio Negrão
Awards to the Best Teachers
Aggregation Degrees
Address by the Chair of ISEG's School Board - Prof. Dr. Vítor Constâncio
Recognition of Retired members of Faculty and Staff
Handover of Academic Insignia and Stoles
Closing address by the Magnificent Rector of Universidade de Lisboa - Professor António Cruz Serra
Congratulations Toast to ISEG and Closing Musical Moment - Tuna Económicas