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ISEG professors distinguished in studies on the “Internationalization of the Portuguese Economy”

The Office of Strategy and Studies (GEE) of the Ministry of Economy and Sea and the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal (AICEP) announced the winners of the Call for Papers on "Internationalization of the Portuguese Economy in the Post-Covid-19: Opportunities and Challenges".

The study "The sensitivity of small firms' investment and employment to the cost of debt financing"authored by Clara Raposo , and Cláudia Custódio (female teachers from ISEG's Department of Mathematics,) , and Diana Bonfim was one of the winning papers and was presented in a public session on September 13.

Another paper distinguished by the Award was "The impact of a rise in transportation costs on firm performance and behavior"which has the contribution and co-authorship of professor João Pereira dos Santos.