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Universidade de Lisboa

ULisboa | Music season

Come and watch the next concerts of the Feb-Jun 23/24 Music at Universidade de Lisboa Season.

The Music at Universidade de Lisboa project consists of a season of concerts running from February to June 2024, with free admission (subject to the seating capacity of each space):

9th March, 21.00Madrigals - Eternal Nature - Incognitus Ensemble, Atrium of the National Museum of Natural History and Science
22nd March, 21.00Prelude and Transfiguration of Tristan and Isolde - Europa Sinfónica & Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra, Darcos Season, Aula Magna
25th March, 21.30"Æternum" Spring Concert - Universidade de Lisboa Choir and Lisbon Sinfonietta Orchestra, Nossa Senhora da Graça Church, Lisbon
14th April, 18.30The Passion According to St. John - Musicians of the Tagus, Aula Magna
25th April 25, 21.00Where at dawn - ULisboa Children's Choir, ULisboa Choir and ULisboa Chamber Choir, Aula Magna
5th May, 21.00Meeting of Academic Orchestras - Universidade de Lisboa Academic Orchestra, Lisbon Medics Orchestra, and Universidade de Coimbra Academic Orchestra, Aula Magna
22nd June, 21.00Concert for a Summer Night - Universidade de Lisboa Lisbon Chamber Choir, Aula Magna
29th June, 21.00Season Finale Concert - Universidade de Lisboa Academic Orchestra, Aula Magna

The Music at the University concert programme can be found on (online),subject to updates.