Quirino, a 77-year-old Cape Verdean with a moral dilemma: whether to live the last days of life as the last remaining inhabitant in the village of Ribeira Funda, where he has lived for over 30 years, or whether to set off in search of realities he has never known.
Dedicating his days to thinking about the sea and contemplating the majestic mountains that surround his house, and also to fishing and growing vegetables, Quirino's only companions are a rooster, some sparrows, and a battery-operated radio, through which he keeps up-to-date with the outside world. But deep down, what binds him to the village that, without him, would be inhabited by no one else?
This is the premise of The New Man, the work of Carlos Yuri Ceunink which exploits the topic of loneliness, fear of the unknown, and one man's strong connection with his surroundings, in the form of a reflection on personal choices and the consequences of prolonged isolation.
The session will take place on May 10th, at ISEG's Auditorium 2, at 10.00. Free admission.
Organisation: CEsA - Centre for African and Development Studies.