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Summer School | Concepts, methods and tools to engage in participatory research and governance processes?

13 Jul / 17 Jul from 10:00 to 00:00
The  Summer School "Concepts, methods and tools to engage in participatory research and governance processes" will be held from  13th to 17th July 2015in Portugal, at Lisbon School of Economics & Management from the University of Lisbon.
The program is divided into 8 blocks which will take place during the five days,  from 9:30 to 17:30.


Marta Varanda and Sofia Bento - ISEG/University of Lisbon in Portugal
Jennifer Hauck - Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ in Germany.
Mathieu Dionnet - Lisode, Montpellier, France
All those interested in developing and improving skills, theoretical and methodological knowledge of participatory methods for both governance and research can apply by submitting a registration form and a motivation letter.



Registration details:

–           Application form  

- The deadline for application is the 30th June by  email 

For further information please contact