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Seminars and Conferences

I Impact Forum of Vale do Taquari, Brazil

03 Nov / 04 Nov from 20:00 to 23:59

Once again, I Taquari Valley Impact Forum takes place on November 3 and 4, in an online format, and aims to discuss studies and practices focused on business impact. ISEG is an institutional partner of this Forum, organized by the University of Vale do Taquari - Univates (Brazil), and will be represented by professors Pedro Verga Matos and Nuno Crespo.

This event will feature panel discussions and case studies with the aim of developing the impact ecosystem in the Taquari Valley and Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. The aim is to sensitize entrepreneurs, investors, teachers and the community to socio-environmental impact businesses, enabling participants to come into contact with various actors, practices and cases that will help at all stages of the development of these businesses.

Further information here.

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