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Student Ombudsman

Welcome to the Student Ombudsman

Welcome to the Student Ombudsman, a mission that I embrace with great pride and sense of responsibility, promising to do my best to defend and promote the rights and legitimate interests of all students enrolled at ISEG, in an integral and independent way, promoting mechanisms of integration in the academic community.

The function of provider comes from the 19th century and, in a very brief way and only and solely as a curiosity, the function appeared in 1809, in the Scandinavian countries, with the designation of ombudsman, to designate a Parliamentary Ombudsman, responsible for mediating and trying to resolve the population's complaints to the government. the term of ombudsman, “ombuds” (representative) and “man” (man), is an expression of Swedish origin that means “representative of the citizen” or “person who acts on behalf of another”. In the United States, the role of ombudsman emerged in the 1960s. In Brazil, the position has existed since 1989, when the well-known newspaper, Folha de S. Paulo, published the first section of its ombudsman, who would be responsible for being the spokesperson for the readers, resolving and transmitting their complaints to the newspaper. In companies the ombudsman is often linked to the Legal Services department.

The role of Ombudsman assumes very different names in different countries, as can be seen: “ombudsman” of Nordic roots, “defender” for the Spanish and Italians, “mediator” for the French, and “ombudsman” for the Brazilians.

At the School, the Student Ombudsman is responsible for listening to students and for mediating with the various strata of academia - administrative, scientific, and pedagogical. That is to say, the role is to listen carefully and, as much as possible, to seek solutions, come up with recommendations, and act as a mediator in conflicts.

This is my commitment to you.

You can always count on me to listen and be by your side to find solutions together.

Filomena Ferreira
Student Provider
Independence, impartiality, integrity and informality

Telephone (+351) 213 922 707
Opening Hours Wednesday: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm*
Thursdays: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm*

*Subject to appointment

Useful Documents

ULisboa Student Ombudsman

You also have at your disposal the ULisboa Student Ombudsman, an independent body of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) whose function is to defend and promote the rights and interests of students within the University.