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ISEG and Alumni Day - 24 May 2010, 18h00

24 May 2010 from 18:00 to 18:01
Quelhas Building, Auditorium Caixa Geral de Depósitos

May 23 was the 99th anniversary of the establishment of the School. The celebrations took place on 24 May, also marking Alumni Day. In particular, we highlight the award of the VECTUS ALUMNUS ANNO - FORMER STUDENT OF THE YEAR distinction, an initiative which took place for the first time in 2007 and which is intended to become a tradition at the School.


18h00 - Welcome Session

João Duque, President of ISEG
Eduardo Catroga, President of Alumni Económicas

18h30 - Presentation of the Economic Alumni Mentoring Program
Filipe Carrera

18 h45 - Presentation of the MBA ISEG 2010
Jorge Landeiro de Vaz, MBA Director

19h00 - ISEG Think Tank 2010 "Portugal 2020: Where is the Portuguese Economy heading?"
Conference "The Competitiveness of the Transport Sector"
António Mendonça, Minister for Public Works, Transport and Communications

19h45 - Musical Moment

20h15 - Dinner at the Salão Nobre do ISEG
where two Alumni will be honored with Career Awards

Economic, political or social career: Ernâni Lopes
Career as a Manager and Entrepreneur: Alberto da Ponte

Registrations must be made by May 20, using the form available on the Alumni Económicas page.

Alternatively, you can fill in the registration form and send it with your payment.

The number of registrations is limited.

The price of the dinner is € 35.00 for Alumni Económicas Members (with the 2009 fee paid) and € 50.00 for non-members.  

Alumni Económicas
ISEG's Old Students Association
Rua do Quelhas, 6 - Office 104
1200-781 Lisboa
Tel: 21 392 58 60 Email:

ISEG Day poster
  • CART         



- Conference - Caixa Geral de Depósitos Auditorium




- Musical Moment



- Dinner and Tribute